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Odwrotna strona medalu czyli w kwestii konstrukcji zapinek szczeblowych słów kilka, [w:] A. Urbaniak, R. Prochowicz, J. Schuster, M. Levada (red.), Terra Barbarica, Monumenta Archeologica Barbarica Series Gemina II, Łódź-Warszawa 2010, s. 321-331.

The latest weapons in the Bogaczewo culture, [w:] The Turbulent Epoch. New Materials from the Late Roman Period and the Migration Period, t. II, red. B. Niezabitowska, M. Juściński, P. Łuczkiewicz, S. Sadowski, Lublin 2009, s. 89-104.

The war as seen by an archaeologist. Reconstruction of barbarian weapons and fighting techniques in the Roman Period basing on the analysis of weapon graves. The case of the Przeworsk Culture, "Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies", t. 16, 2009, s. 93-132.

The latest weapons in the Bogaczewo culture, [w:] The Turbulent Epoch. New Materials from the Late Roman Period and the Migration Period, t. II, red. B. Niezabitowska, M. Juściński, P. Łuczkiewicz, S. Sadowski, Lublin 2009, s. 89-104.

Horse and its use in the Przeworsk Culture in the light of archaeological evidence, [w:] The Horse and Man in European Antiquity (Worldview, Burial Rites, and Military and Everyday Life, Archaeologia Baltica, t. 11, Klaipeda 2009, s. 92-114.
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Foreign influences on the weaponry of the Bogaczewo and Sudovian cultures. The case of the shafted weapon, "Archaeologia Baltica", t. 8, 2007, s. 117-132.

Is There Reliable Archival Data? The Problem of Interpretation of an Unusual Specimen from Gurjevsk (formerly Trausitten) on the Sambian Peninsula, "Archaeologia Baltica", t. 8, 2007, s. 176-182.

Time of war or well-being? Changes in weapon sets in the Przeworsk culture burials from the late stage of phase B2

Wojna oczami archeologa. Uwagi na temat sposobów walki ludności kultury przeworskiej w okresie wpływów rzymskich w świetle źródeł archeologicznych

Uzbrojenie kultury przeworskiej w okresie wpływów rzymskich i początkach okresu wędrówek ludów
  • w druku
  1. Merovingian belt on the Vidivarian waist? Unexpected import from the Elbląg Group cemetery at Nowinka, Tolkmicko com., [w:] Materiały z konferencji "Archaeology of the Baltic Region: New Investigations and Discoveries", Kaliningrad 17-19.11.2010.
  2. Outer influence or local development? Seaxes from cemeteries of the Balt tribes in the northern Poland (the Elbląg group), [w:] Weapons and Military Equipment in a Funerary Context, materiały z konferencji Roman Military Equipment Conference XVII. Zagreb 24-27.05.2010.
  3. Trade, Salt and Amber. The Formation of Late Migration Period Elites in the 'Balti-kulti' area of northern Poland (the Elbląg group), Archaeologia Baltica 15, Klaipeda.
  4. Skandynawskie stanowiska bagienne vs. nekropole kultury przeworskiej. Komplementarne źródła do poznania wojowników barbarzyńskich, rytuałów związanych z uzbrojeniem oraz symboliki broni w Europie okresu wpływów rzymskich, [w:] J. Axer, J. Olko (red.), Etos wojownika. Honor. Pojedynek, Spotkania Dawnych Kultur, Warszawa 2011.